Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 1: The long journey to Knoxville TN

Hey Y'all!!
The day started off at 6am when the group met at University of Maryland to get on the vans and head down to Knoxville. The car ride down was filled with bonding, sleeping, and listening to each others ipods. Along with that, we ran into some minor car trouble and had to stop at way too many gas stations. First the winshield wiper fluid ran out and then there were tire problems on the smaller van. After stopping a ton of times and driving through snowy weather, we finally made it to Knoxville.
For dinner, we went to the University of Tennessee and cooked dinner in one of their facilities. We made pasta and broccoli for dinner and we bonded through several icebreakers. Then after eating we went back to the hotel for a reflection.
During the refelection we played a game that was set up like an auction. On a list of 40 items that could possibly be desired in someone's life were bid on with a certain amount of allocated "money." The activity was really great because it required a lot of reflection. We all were able to discuss what was important to us and why we all felt that way. Everyone on the trip opened up about something deeper and it allowed us to get to know each other better. It was a good start to the trip and I'm sure there will be more discussion and gettting to know each other as the trip continues on.

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